Favor of a donation/募款請求

Call for Donation

 The Imanishi Family (今西家) is the descendant of Tochi-no-agatanushi (十市県主) who lines to the Kotoshironushi-no-god(事代主神), son of Ohkuninushi-no-god(大国主神), originating from TochimiagatanimasuShrine (十市御縣坐神社). This is why we named our organization the Public Interest Foundation Corporation, Association for Preservation of the Imanishi Family Residence. Public Interest Foundation Corporation, Association for Preservation of the Imanishi Residence carries out conservation work, management and publication of important cultural property the Imanishi Residence and the surrounding areas, not only ancient documents and antique art goods passed down to the House. Public Interest Foundation Corporation, Association for Preservation of the Imanishi Residence also conducts research on the set properties and thereby contributes to the development of academic culture. (Public Interest Foundation Corporation, Association for The Imanishi of Tochiagatanushi clan Preservation Article 1 article)


The Imai City, the largest traditional important building conservation districts in Japan located in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture is not displaying things like in museums and arts galleries. The value of the Imai City is that the city keeps valuables and precious things still being utilized in daily life even in this modern days.


In the Sengoku period, the Imai City fought against Oda Nobunaga, the superpower at that time on the side of the Ishiyama Honjyo Temple, making the castle mouth into a fortress. However, it was obliged to surrender since the Buddhist of the Ikko sect priest Kennyo offered a settlement, and then the City was allowed its autonomy on condition that it fills the triple moats by intercession of Tsuda Soukyu, master of tea ceremony. The Imanishi Family then took charge of the judiciary and administration of the city.

After that, the Imai City prospered deeply interacting with the Sakai City, which also prospered as a self-governing city, traded with Luzon and Hoi An, and thereby enjoyed its golden days.

Especially, tea ceremonies and tea houses prospered there related to Tenka San-so-sho(The three major tea ceremony masters), Mr. Imai Soukyu from the Imai family, Tsuda Soukyu, and Sen no Rikyu. The city was regarded as "the Sakai City as a top of sea / the Imai City as a top of land".

The free atmosphere persisted in the feudal era may be the reason why Oda Nobunaga and Tenka San-so-sho treated the Imai City so special.

While traditional townscapes are disappearing nationwide, we would like to deliver relaxation and feeling of "Furusato", our hometown, where the time seems to stop clocking, by inviting nursing streets, youth streets, crafts alleys, for example, in the Imai districts of 600 m ~320 m, and thereby enabling people to live on. 

As a city that foresees future design source we would like to continue our preservation activities in; 

“The Imai City with the Nobunaga's heart as a shield of the abandonment of his predecessor"

"With the breeze of living even now with the old townscape of the Imai town" 

"Holding a new dream to convey the mind of our ancestries from the Imai"


In the future, we plan to hold hands-on events while taking over history and tradition at important cultural property,the Imanishi House.


We intend to publicize the living traditional culture which is the basis of Japanese mind from the "Imai City", the Japan's largest important traditional building district.

We need your support and contribution in order to continue and expand our activities.

The contribution is appreciated, by unit of 5,000 yen from everybody including corporation, groups and individuals. Multiple unites of contribution are welcome.


【Account information】

(1) Postal transfer - No transfer fee is required using the payment handling form, 

Yucho Bank 

【Store Name】009 (Zero zero nine) 【Store Number】099 【Type of Account】 Current 【Account Number】174414 【Account Name】 Public Interest Foundation Corporation Zen city prefecture Imanishi preservation association Zai) Toichi Agata Nishi Imanishike HonzonKai

(2) Bank transfer

Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Kashihara Branch KashiharaShiten Ordinary Deposit 【Store Number】 134 【Account Number】 0182670 【Account Name】Public Interest Foundation Corporation, Association for Preservation of the Imanishi House


[About tax benefits]

Donations to the foundation can receive tax relief;

<For corporations>

The contribution can be expensed as deductible outside of the deductible limits for general donation.

<For individuals>

The contribution is subject to tax relief. (For the details on the tax relief system, please refer to the website of the National Tax Agency)


[Inquiries/Application for registration]

Public Interest Foundation Corporation, Association for Preservation of the Imanishi House  公益財団法人 十市県主今西家保存会

3-9-25 Imai-cho, Kashihara-shi, Nara prefecture ♯634-0812

TEL: 0744-25-3388 / FAX: 0744-25-8182

Email: info@imanishike.or.jp


URL: https://www.imanishike.or.jp/

Recruitments for MEMBERS

The mission of the Association for Preservation of the Imanishi House is to save the Imai Town districts and to financially support activities and to support youth activities in the Imai Town, by assisting opening to the public of the Imanishi House and its old documents andantique arts, together with research, releasing various publications, and preservation and maintenance efforts. 


In order to pursue the above objectives and to contribute to the promotion and development of its traditional culture, we decided to set up an Association for Preservation of the Imanishi House, to acquire understanding of the general public and promote our activities. We appreciate your cooperation and support.

In addition, funds cooperated are used for repairing old documents, repairing buildings, etc.


About members of Association for Preservation of the Imanishi House

● Members are required to understand and cooperate the Foundation's mission and its aim

● There are regular members, special members, and supporting members.


Please pay the minimum of the following contribution. Multiple contribution is welcome.

• Regular member: 10,000 yen/year

• Special member: 50,000 yen/year

• Supporting member: 1,000 yen/year


● Annual admission fee will be free for members.


● Members will be invited to events organized by the foundation etc at a discounted rate.








特別是創造出有「海之堺,陸之今井」之稱的茶法,成為「天下三宗 匠」今井出身的今井宗吉和今田宗吉等千利休,他們的茶室及舉但的茶會非常盛行。













(1)郵局匯款 ― 使用匯款單,無需匯款手續費

ゆうちょ銀行【商店代碼】〇九九【銀行分店代碼】099【存款項目】支票活期存款【帳戶代碼】174414【帳戶名】公益財團法人 十市縣主今西家保護協會ザイ)トイチアガタヌシイマニシケホゾンカイ


三菱東京UFJ銀行橿原分店 活期存款【銀 行分店代碼】134【帳戶代碼】0182670【帳戶名】公益財團法人 十市縣主今西家保護協會ザイ)トイチアガタヌシイマニシケホゾンカイ








【招募會員 / MEMBERS】






一、以能理解本財團的目的,並贊同的個人或是 團體作為會員。



•正式會員:毎年一個單位 一萬日圓

•特別會員:毎年一個單位 五萬日圓

•贊助會員:毎年一個單位 十萬日圓




公益財団法人 十市県主今西家保存会

〒634-0812 奈良県橿原市今井町3-9-25

TEL: 0744-25-3388/FAX: 0744-25-8182

Email: info@imanishike.or.jp

URL: https://www.imanishike.or.jp/